October 1, 2013

Top Ten Book Turn-Offs

For this month, I've picked Top Ten Tuesday as my meme. Today's topic is...top ten book turn-offs! Have you ever just read a book that was awesome and then you got to the point...where something unforgivable happens and you just drop it in horror? I certainly have. Maybe I didn't drop it...but...yeah. I ranted. In my head. Silently. ;)

1. The number one worst turn off for me is when the facts don't add up! I'm left seething and upset all over something silly that didn't add up for me-- and in most cases it ruins my entire enjoyment of a book! I can't help but think philosophically about weird things~ and I shouldn't have to-- you should have thought it out better! ERRRGGGHH.

2. Whiny main characters. I've said it before, and I will totally say it again. I can't stand it when a girl (or boy!) whines about every little thing... "I broke a nail!" (Just kidding, I do that. LOL) I mean when they're constantly bagging on other people for their problems and then they whine.

3. Unbelievable romantic relationships-- that moment when they love each other and you don't ever recall them talking to each other before that statement. They stared at each other, though. From afar. And that makes them in love, y'all! It burns like a fire! It's freedom, it's LOVE. CAN'T YOU SEE IT? No...I don't?

4. Characters so badass that they never feel anything-- I feel like this is a problem. I want you to be a badass like Tris-- scared out of your mind, but still functioning on an awesome level. Not the one where you do everything without thinking and don't care what happens to you.

5. Abusive relationships. The ones where the boy and the girl are in love, and you can feel chemistry (or not, whichever) but suddenly everything goes to shit. They start fighting and the boy goes into a gateway of abuse, and hey it's okay...because I know he loves me. O.O I do not have words to express my disappointment and disagreement with that statement.

6. When you never meet the parents, or you do but only for a little bit and it's like a revolving door. Do you feel the pain in this statement? I love seeing good, functioning adult relationships in books. I don't care if it's a single mom or a family of six-- I love familial connections in books. And when there is none, or it's underplayed or ignored...I miss it. Everyone has family (whether or not they know them or if they're alive), and they're a part of everybody-- you are who you are because of your family. I believe that with all my heart; so when you cut out family from the book, you're cutting out the character development that you could have made with them.

7. The same old tropes. I'm at the point where I don't even bother to add books that have the same old "and the attractive boy came to her and told her she was pretty and they went off to fight danger/rule the magical kingdom together". I feel like there's nothing more that can really be done with that story... who knows, maybe one day I'll be wowed by that trope...but today is not that day!

8. An ugly cover...I know that this really shouldn't be one of my turn-offs...but it is and I can't help it!

9. "She wasn't traditionally pretty, people didn't stop her on the road...but now she had three men vying for her attention". News flash-- the world doesn't really work like that. The mousy girl with no friends? Chances are that boys aren't going to fight over you...they'll be freaked out by your awesome shyness. And that means, no. It helps that in this storyline, it's generally the 108 year old vampires who are chasing you.

10. When main characters have a job-- but they're never there. You never read about them at their jobs...it's like a magical code for "Hey! I'm actually unemployed but I wanted to seem cooler and more lifelike so I made up a fake job for me to NOT go to."

So, what do you guys think? Do any of my rant-worthy issues turn YOU off?


  1. Janhvi @ The ReaddictsOctober 1, 2013 at 9:29 AM

    "Good functioning adult relationships in books" I couldn't agree with that statement more! I hate whiny characters and insta love as well. great list!

    here's our TTT

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  2. I agree with everything you said here, thought I treat the whole "Things don't add up" as a pet peeve, not as a turn off. Because usually, I have to wait until the very end of the book to see if those things really don't add up, or if they're a hint to events that follow and are meant to be confusing.

    Oh, I totally get the cover thingy! Hadn't thought of that, but that is totally a factor. I don't really look at books that don't have a cover that attracts me, unless a friend recommends them to me...

  3. I LOVE YOURS. I agree so much and i love how you specify things that aren't always meant. Like Number one, YES! Aah. Especially if it's a mystery. Or when people connect the dots out of the blue. "I KNOW WHERE/WHAT/HOW!" You do? That point A got you to Point B? Nope.

    I also love your point #4. I can so appreciate kick-butt, but without the feels, it means nothing! I love that. So true. And number 9!! Holy smokes YES. "But to me she was beautiful" From the start? REALLY? Haha You made some fabulous points. I love them all.

    Yay Megs!

  4. I LOVE YOURS. I agree so much and i love how you specify things that aren't always meant. Like Number one, YES! Aah. Especially if it's a mystery. Or when people connect the dots out of the blue. "I KNOW WHERE/WHAT/HOW!" You do? That point A got you to Point B? Nope.

    I also love your point #4. I can so appreciate kick-butt, but without the feels, it means nothing! I love that. So true. And number 9!! Holy smokes YES. "But to me she was beautiful" From the start? REALLY? Haha You made some fabulous points. I love them all.

    Yay Megs!
    <333 Inks

  5. My turn-offs: cheating plots, abusive relationships, missing parents. I love this topic!

  6. Ooh, I didn't even think of characters who never go to their jobs! I read a lot of kidlit and fantasy, so I don't run into it too often when reading, but I see it all over the place in television. Always makes me laugh.

  7. Ooh, I didn't even think of characters who never seem to go to their jobs! I read a lot of kidlit and fantasy, so I don't run into it too much in books, but I see it all over the place in television. Always makes me laugh.

  8. Yes! Such a good post, I wanted to applaud the whole way through. I lol'd at #9 and #10 (well I basically laughed at all of them because they were SO GOOD) because you're spot on. Be more realistic, authors. Love it, Megan :)

    My TTT
